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為延續這些討論,探索「想像」相對「認知」所引發的創作和美學經驗,十多位本地藝術家經過連月來互相分享討論,將會在這個展覽中,邀請大家思考、尋找在「想」與「象」之間,作品的可能性。除此,是次展覽更致力安排一件慨念藝術大師 John Baldessari 的作品,好讓香港觀眾欣賞,參與討論。
Have we ever imagined how visually impaired persons envision a perfect blue sky? Could we imagine audience visiting an exhibition without finding the artworks but still experiencing them?
This project is an extention to the discussions raised by Sound Of Image (2013), an exhibition that explored Audio Description as an art medium. There, artists had explored audio description as both a facility for experiencing art and a medium for artistic creation. Without encountering the actual works, audience were much attached to them through listening to their descriptions, deeply engaged in imagining and contemplating the art. Both artists and audience seemed to be content that they did not require the physical work, but allowed imagination as a bridge, to appreciate the art and realize an aesthetic experience.
In the past few months, artists in this project have been sharing their thoughts and ideas and exploring "imagining", in relation to "knowing", as a creative inspiration and an aesthetic experience. A work by the American conceptual artist, John Baldessari, will also be included in the exhibition. We would like to invite audience to this exhibition and together, we re-imagine the possibilities behind art's unimaginable forms.